Four kinds of query can be generated in Ledningskollen:
Cable indication
A cable indication query (Swedish: "ledningsanvisning") should be submitted by anyone wishing to undertake earthworks or have earthworks executed, and who consequently needs to know the location of any cables and pipes to avoid damaging them. Cable indication is the only kind of query where the cable and pipe owners agree to their documentation being used in conjunction with excavation and other earthworks.
Cable indication is the most common kind of query used and is referred to in Swedish as both ledningsanvisning and kabelanvisning.
When you generate a cable indication query, your query will be communicated to all of the cable and pipe owners listed as having infrastructure in the vicinity. The cable or pipe owner will let you know how they will provide the cable indication – either in the form of a map, onto which the cables and pipes have been drawn, or mark the location of the cables at the excavation site. When the second option is used, an operative will come out to the area and draw the location of the cables and pipes on the ground.
Design and planning
Design and planning queries (Swedish: "projektering") are used by anyone requiring information about existing infrastructure but who will not be performing any earthworks in the near future, for example for future earthworks or design and planning purposes. Examples of parties using this kind of query include planners, property developers and local broadband development groups.
Design and planning queries are communicated to all of the cable and pipe owners that have said they have infrastructure in the vicinity. The responses provided by cable owners for planning and design queries must not be used for actual excavation or other earthworks. The cable and pipe owners normally send responses in the form of CAD or GIS files, but you can choose to receive a PDF indicating existing cables and pipes. Please note: Some cable owners will charge you if you want the information in a vectorized file format.
Coordination queries (Swedish: "samordning") are used by those who, in conjunction with their projects, wish to coordinate their excavation work with other stakeholders or by anyone wishing to investigate future coordination opportunities to for example reduce costs.
These queries reach all of the cable and pipe owners with infrastructure in the relevant municipality, not just those at the location to which the query applies. The cable and pipe owners whose coverage area is affected will respond to coordination matters. Sending a response is voluntary for cable and pipe owners and stakeholders affected as regards an area of interest.
Community planning queries
Community planning queries (Swedish: "samhällsplaneringsärende" or "planärende") are used by people working on a detailed or comprehensive development plan for a municipal or public authority and who want to contact a cable or pipe owner in the municipality concerned.
This kind of query is used, for example, for proposals circulated for consultation and the like. These queries are communicated to all cable and pipe owners with infrastructure in the municipality affected, but only those directly affected at the location have to respond.